In a past lesson we counted the occurrences of each digit in $\pi$. This lesson
is a bit of a repeat of that lesson, but does an analysis using arrays and the creation of a professional
looking histogram chart.
In this case, each digit of $\pi$ is read from the variable bigpi. Each digit is used as an index
into an array called hist that keeps track of the number of times a given digit occurs in bigpi.
Another array called digit is used to seed the horizontal axis of the histogram, as it is loaded
with the numbers from 0 to 9, which are the possible digits in $\pi$.
Now you try. Fix the digit[i] = so digit will hold the numbers from 0 to 9. Fix the hist[i]= line
so that all counts start at zero. Lastly, fix the hist[d] = line so that it is increased by
one inside of the if statement.
Type your code here:
See your results here:
This code will not run! You have to make 3 fixes:
What will you put in for digit[i] = line so that the $i^{th}$ element of array digit contains
the $i^{th}$ possible digit of $\pi$ running from $0$ to $9$?
What will you put in for the hist[i] line to initially set all histogram counts equal to zero?
For the line inside of the if statement, the variable d contains the current digit of $\pi$ found
in bigpi (i.e. a number from 0 to 9), what how will you fix the hist[d] = line so that hist[d]
is increased by one relative to its currently held count? Hint: It's related to what's in this lesson.
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