The standard deviation is a measure of how much a group of numbers that have a bell-shaped (or Gaussian, or normal distribution) vary around their average. It is defined as
$$\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1}\Sigma (x_i-{\bar x})^2}$$
It tells us if the data has a Gaussian distribution, then 68% of the numbers should fall between the ${\bar x}-\sigma$ and ${\bar x}+\sigma$. Let's see if this holds for the data set we're using here.
Now you try. Fix the code to compute the average, standard deviation, and then to tally the results.
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Theory tells us 68% of numbers should fall within 1 standard deviation of the average. Is this true for the data?
Look up the expected fractions for $2\sigma$ and $3\sigma$. See if this data has the proper fractions for these as well.
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